The Darkest Fall by Ripley Proserpina

The Darkest Fall by Ripley Proserpina

Author:Ripley Proserpina [Proserpina, Ripley]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Published: 2019-10-31T16:00:00+00:00


Armaros had stood in the presence of the divine and it had not moved him the way Lucia did. Nothing in his existence prepared him for her. No power, no rush, could touch the sublime experience he just had.

It transformed him. It was if he’d fallen to Earth, and then lifted back to Heaven. In fact, if that were to occur, if the Creator were to take him back to Heaven and tell him all was forgiven, it would pale in comparison to Lucia.

Finally, he understood what his sister felt when she left him. It would be easy to abandon everything for Lucia. If his sister loved Delia’s father with the tiniest echo of the growing feelings he had for the girl in his arms, he understood and forgave her choice.

Shifting a little to find a more comfortable position, he began to withdraw his wings when a short breath stopped him.

“Not yet,” Lucia muttered, squeezing his arm and sitting quickly. She shifted, straddling him, and then moved behind him. “I want to see them.”

Awkwardly, he stopped, sitting up straight. His wings trembled in anticipation of her touch, but it didn’t come. Her breath tickled them, and she made a sound of amazement. For a moment, he could feel the heat from her hand, hovering over the appendages, but still… nothing.

“Can I touch them?” The words ghosted over his back and he shivered.

“Please.” He was dying for her.

The first contact of her skin against his wings had them shooting out, extending as far as they could go. His response was purely instinctive, it had nothing to do with conscious thought. “Are you all right?” If he turned too fast, he could injure her. His wings had the ability to be soft and pliable, or hard and razor sharp. In battle, he could cut through steel and stone.

When the first tentative brush touched him, they flared to life. Perhaps, subconsciously, he preened for her. Like a peacock.

He had to be more careful. Humans were fragile, and Lucia, with her small size and tiny bones could be crushed by his thoughtlessness. For a moment, he saw the worst. His wings cutting through her skin, dead eyes fixed on the sky, blood pooling on the ground.

It was too much and he retracted them before she could hazard the action again.

“Armaros,” she breathed in disappointment.

He turned, catching her hands in his and bringing them to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “It’s too dangerous. I can’t risk it.”

Her face was confused, eyebrows drawn together, eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

“My wings,” he began, dropping her hands to hold her face. Her eyes fluttered closed and a deep red flush climbed her neck to her face and cheeks. Beneath his skin, hers warmed and her chest lifted with each breath. He kissed the hollow of her throat. “They’re weapons, Lucia. Every part of me is designed for battle.”

Shaking her head, she pushed at his shoulders until he reclined on the floor. She threw a leg over his body, her core lining up to his rapidly hardening length.


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